[tahoe-dev] wanted: ux design help for Tahoe-LAFS

Zooko O'Whielacronx zooko at zooko.com
Sat Aug 21 00:03:51 UTC 2010

Dear Matt Jadud:

I'm an organizer for the open source Tahoe-LAFS project. You can see
our user interface here: [1].

I saw this note [2] by Leslie Hawthorn saying that you want to direct
your students to contribute to open source projects. We would love

Your blog post [3] says that you want a project that is responsive to
the students on at most a 24 to 48 hour cycle. Based on the pattern of
traffic on our mailing list and IRC I think we can probably do that,
although of course we're a bunch of volunteers and there may be times
when everybody is too busy to respond to something until the next
weekend or even longer.

One thing that would be a good thought-provoking challenge for your
students is that we consider the UX of our project to be a critical
factor in the project's security. :-) See Ping Yee's "Secure
Interaction Design" for some of our founding assumptions (which we
would be willing to reconsider if needed!) about UX: [4].



[1] http://pubgrid.tahoe-lafs.org/uri/URI:DIR2:gyyf7v4ibj4amkntscyzkdg3d4:rccvhk5afqb225atc4fcyu2wxb6j34a7u3vxjepz2qycfemxb6ra/
[2] http://identi.ca/notice/46846738
[3] http://www.sububi.org/2010/08/18/free-interaction-design-for-your-open-source-project/
[4] http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~ping/sid/

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