[tahoe-dev] Temporary Files

Brandon Meskimen brandon.meskimen at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 15:48:54 UTC 2011

Maybe i will clean up my question a little bit. A backup within Tahoe where
the backup is the original file. Can then sent out multiple links to
temporary files that can be edited that will get replaced with the original
at a set time. Then when finished will delete the temporary files.
Peter Secor, many regards showed that you could do this, email is below.
Trying to make the links to the files copies and not the original.


With a small correction to terminology, yes this is possible and can be done
currently. The small correction is that you can share a directory and give
RO or RW delegation to the recipient, and then they have the delegated
access to that directory and its contents including subdirectories.

For example, here is a temporary directory on the network that I am
delegating RW access to for you (it's live, please feel free to try it out):

Underneath it are a couple other directories, dir1 and dir2 both with
content. I could also delegate just dir1 to you:

Whoever receives the second link can only modify dir1 on down and has no
access to the directory (or directories) containing it.

Hope this helps,
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On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 8:10 AM, Brandon Meskimen <brandon.meskimen at gmail.com
> wrote:

> If i say make some files with directories and make an exact copy of those
> files and directories. Make one of the copies original and the other one
> temporary.
> Can you make a temporary file that can be modified instead of modifying the
> original? Then transfer the modifed file to replace the original at a
> certain time?
> Regards
> Brandon
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