[tahoe-dev] 1.9.0 tarball broken

Brian Warner warner at lothar.com
Wed Nov 9 09:26:18 UTC 2011

On 11/8/11 7:53 PM, Brian Warner wrote:

> Oops. I think I used our recipe's "python setup.py sdist" step to
> create the tarballs, but if that does the wrong thing with file nodes,
> then maybe we need to fix the recipe.

I think I found the problem: the automation that builds the tarballs
recently moved to a new buildslave, and I forgot to set the new slave up
with the --umask=022 flag (so it defaulted to 002). I just fixed that,
so future tarballs should be better.

I'll repack the existing 1.9.0 tarballs tomorrow and put them back at
the same URLs, and republish the hashes.


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