[tahoe-dev] Please help with sshfs

Francois Deppierraz francois at ctrlaltdel.ch
Mon Nov 21 08:44:44 UTC 2011

Hi Vladimir,

On 20. 11. 11 23:55, Vladimir Arseniev wrote:

> The grid seems to work via the web interface.  I even got drop_upload to
> work.  But I'm stuck getting sshfs working.  I created ftp.accounts and
> the ssh_host_rsa keys in ~/.tahoe/private, added ssh_host_rsa.pub to
> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, and added the [sftpd] section to tahoe.cfg
> (using defauls).  Although I can ssh and sftp to user at, with
> sshfs I get the error "read: Connection reset by peer".  Perhaps I've
> misunderstood the syntax.  I'm using "sshfs user at
> ~/tahoe-pxh5r -o RekeyLimit=0".

Could you please have a look in the log file located in
~/.tahoe/logs/twistd.log? You should probably find some more details there.


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