[tahoe-dev] weekly Tahoe dev call report: 2012-07-10

Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn zooko at zooko.com
Wed Jul 11 13:09:56 UTC 2012

• 1.9.2 release! Yay David-Sarah, Release Manager. Thanks to everyone
who contributed bug reports, patches, testing, packaging, etc.

• Add-only sets: Can servers exercise "editorial power" over add-only
sets, remixing different legitimate adder-signed sets to form new
sets? Zooko thinks this could be a problem, and that add-only sets
should be designed against it, but he can't remember why he thinks
that. Brian thinks that it is hardly a problem because the presence of
other servers giving answers renders any one server's ability to
select among legitimate answers almost moot. Andrew and David-Sarah
both think that the notion of a *set* as opposed to a fully serialized
sequence must surely require that readers accept unions. We agreed to
drop the subject for now and move on to lease database.

• lease database

   • keep information about leases in some separate location instead
of bundled with each share

   • let's use a sqlite db through the pysqlite API, like we do with backupdb

   • for the cloud backend (that Least Authority Enterprises is
building), the leasedb will be stored on persistent storage e.g Amazon
Elastic Block Store (EBS), while the shares are stored on cloud
storage, e.g. Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).

   • people can manually add shares, such as by just dropping a share
file into a disk backend filesystem, or uploading a share object to
Amazon S3, and the lease system will eventually discover them and
maintain them as long as they are leased, and then delete them when
they are no longer leased.

   • people can manually delete shares, such as by just rm'ing a share
file from a disk backend filesystem, or deleting a share object to
Amazon S3, and the lease system will not break when it discovers that
it is gone.

   • There can be race conditions between such external actions and
the progress of the crawler which is inspecting leases. A state
machine must be carefully analyzed to see that in handles all such
possible sequences of events. See
for initial notes about that. A state transition diagram would be a
good way to analyze and communicate that.

   • Brian was about to write a new lease database as the next step in
his Accounting work, and Least Authority Enterprises is about to write
a new lease database as the next step in our DARPA research grant
contract, with a deadline of July 26. So, let's cooperate. We need to
agree on separation of responsibilities.

   • The crawler can be a "background task" that doesn't take up
resources (CPU) for too long at a time, so there's a configurable knob
for "how many seconds in a row do I run" and "how many seconds do I
idle in between runs", and another knob for "how soon should I start a
new pass after I've already finished the last pass".

   • Should "account ids" or "lease-owner ids" be public keys or
things derived from symmetric secrets? Brian wisely suggests
decoupling that question from the rest of the lease db design. But,
then Brian and David-Sarah agreed that the lease-owner ids should be
small integers. Zooko disagrees, but nobody asked him.

   • Least Authority Enterprises might someday want to store their
lease databases in funky cloud databases things like Amazon's Cloud
SQL DB or Microsoft's Cloud SQL DB. But for now we're just going to
use pysqlite and local storage such as Amazon EBS.

Brian will review his branch and write up some stuff about how the
accounting branch ought to go. Brian and David-Sarah will
synchronously work on it Tuesday and Thursday.

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