[tahoe-dev] Meeting Summary: 2012-10-23

Nathan nejucomo at gmail.com
Tue Oct 23 19:16:43 UTC 2012

This is a quick email summary of today's dev meeting.  You can also
find information about upcoming meetings and past archived notes here:


The detailed transcription/minutes are here:


The dev-meeting today covered ticket #1240, Tahoe-LAFS birthday party
planning, and future meeting agendas.

Ticket #1240:

We investigated amiller's branch which attempts to close #1240, but it
has some failing unittests.  Most of the meeting time was an
interactive debugging session for a failed unit test inside
test_mutable.py called test_retrieve_surprise.

The debug session reveals that there may be unexpected caching
behavior in *addition* to the expected caching behavior, but I didn't
quite follow the specifics.

Relevant links:

The ticket: https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1240

amiller's branch: https://github.com/amiller/tahoe-lafs/tree/amiller-1240

The MeetingNotes_2012_10_23 page has instructions on how to retrieve
that branch state with git:

Post meeting update: The mystery was resolved after the meeting in
IRC.  Ask amiller, david-sarah, or zooko for more accurate details if

Pan-network Tahoe-LAFS birthday:

There will be a networked Tahoe-LAFS birthday party this Saturday,
2012-10-27 at 23:00 UTC.  There will be several physical parties
connected with Google hangout and possibly augmented with projectors.
Zooko wondered if there would be a San Francisco or noisebridge

Future Meetings:

The participants agreed on the following future meeting agendas:

Next week: review of Zooko's Proof-of-Retrievability paper.  The plan
is to distribute a draft before the meeting so that the meeting will
be a review of that draft.

Two weeks out (or more?): review of David-Sarah's Rainhill design.
Ideally outside cryptography experts would join to offer criticisms,
suggestions, or questions about the design.


The current meeting time/day may be inconvenient for Warner, so there
was a brief mention that the meeting time may change.  I will update
the wiki if/when the time changes.

We determined that Google Hangout's "chat" feature is suboptimal; it
is toggled off by default, so most participants won't notice the chat
and when they do enable it, they don't have any history.  Plus it
excludes everyone who doesn't use Hangout.  Therefore, please always
send text chat on the IRC channel, even when inside a Hangout meeting.

I'm striving to keep the wiki page up to date for these purposes:

* If someone gets online right before the meeting, there's a well
known url, which is
https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/wiki/WeeklyMeeting, which will
have the connection information.  This can save the hassle of repeated
asking / polling on the IRC channel for those details.

* People can see what the agenda is ahead of time, even if, like me,
they are behind in email.  ;-)

* Past meetings have archives.  Hopefully all of the important archive
material migrates into tickets or wikis.


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