[tahoe-dev] No reconnection after restart of introducer

Denis Cheong denis at denisandyuki.net
Tue Feb 5 10:49:42 UTC 2013

I am playing with a two-node grid.

Host 1 (NetBSD Jail 1):  Introducer + Node + Helper + WebUI
Host 2 (OmniOS Zone 1):  Node + WebUI
Host 3 (OmniOS Zone 2):  Gateway + WebUI

For technical reasons, I need to reboot Host 1 (Introducer).

Obviously Host 2 & Host 3 lose connectivity to the Introducer and go into
'disconnected from introducer' red mode.

Once the Node and the Introducer are brought up again on Host 1, I expect
Host 2 and Host 3 to find the introducer again, and turn happy and green.

However this is not so, they are both still sitting without a connection to
the introducer.  Host 3 still has its connection to Host 2, but nothing
else.  It was left for about 20 minutes, but no connection was

It takes a "tahoe restart" on Node 3 to get it to reconnect to the

Interestingly, after Node 3 is restarted, Node 2 also suddenly discovers
the introducer without needing a restart, however it does NOT discover node
1 - only connectivity to introducer returns.  It takes a further restart of
Node 2 before it reconnects to Node 1.

There is no NAT between nodes 1 and 2, they are on the same subnet.  Host 3
is behind a NAT and firewall.

Is there any reason why this is the case?
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