upload difficulty and global tahoe status ?

Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn zookog at gmail.com
Sun Aug 16 15:08:57 UTC 2015

> Big +1. Also, it seems to be uploading much more than necessary what
> makes it almost impractical to work with slow links.

There are two ways currently available to make it stop uploading redundant data:

1. set K=N. This is especially simple to think about if you set K=N=1.
Then it will upload only a single copy of the data to a single server.

2. configure an Upload Helper:
. Then it will upload only a single copy of the ciphertext to the
upload helper, which will then do the erasure coding and send the
redundant shares to the storage servers. This is only a win if your
link from your client to the upload helper is more constrained than
the links from the upload helper to the storage servers.

But, it is also possible that the slowdown that is bothering you is
not caused by the erasure coding redundancy! Why not try one of those
techniques as an experiment and see if the result is fast enough for



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