The support source code may be corrupted

Lionel Bouton lionel-subscription at
Mon Aug 17 15:14:29 UTC 2015

Le 17/08/2015 16:33, chenzhiguang at a écrit :
> Dear Zooko
>     I downloaded the pyOpenSSL-0.13 from the website
> "", but
> failed to decompress the tarball. I think the source code may be
> corrupted. Could you please check these tarballs?

Works here ("tar tf" on the downloaded file doesn't show any error).

The certificate for has the following SHA256 fingerprint :

You might want to check that there wasn't some tampering by comparing
the value above with the certificate you get (it's easy for governments
in control of a certificate authority to build man-in-the-middle attacks
and corrupt what you are downloading but the certificates they use don't
have the same fingerprints than the original ones).


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