GSoC 2015 to overcome NAT limitations?

Lukas Pirl tahoe-dev at
Wed Feb 25 16:52:58 UTC 2015

On 02/25/2015 04:51 PM, David Stainton wrote:
> With regards to NAT... it seems that they decided a while back that
> this problem was outside the scope of what Tahoe-LAFS should solve...
> but maybe they are interested? I can tell you that there are various
> people such as myself who use Tahoe-LAFS with Tor and Tor hidden
> services... we therefore get NAT penetration for free. I don't know
> much about I2p but I think they may have NAT penetration as well.

Thanks for the feedback, David!

If you are right, then the Track should have some explicit markup for
this state.

Instead of adding extra networking layers, I am curious about IPv6 to
overcome NAT limitations but I think being compatible and equally
functional with IPv4 is important as well.



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