tahoe 1.16.0

Sajith Sasidharan sajith at hcoop.net
Wed Oct 20 17:36:17 UTC 2021

On Wed, 2021-10-20 at 12:35 -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:

> 3)  txi2p
> https://pypi.org/project/txi2p/#history
> This was last released on April 3, 2017.  I have a note that there isn't
> a release, but maybe there isn't a release that works with python3.  In
> any case, pkgsrc, probably like most packaging systems, only wants to
> package releases, and having a release that's 4.5 years old is generally
> a clue of an unhealthy maintenance situation.
> So I wonder if I am confused, if that version really works with python3
> and is recommended, or if leaving it out is still the best approach.

Sadly no, that version of txi2p does not work with Python3.  The upstream
project had Python3 support in the master branch for a while, but its
maintainer was not available to make a relase.  So a fork was made, named
txi2-tahoe, just to unblock the porting process:


Hopefully the fork will be an interim measure, but we all know that some
interim measures have the nasty property of becoming long term measures!
I guess long term plans about the library's maintenance will depend on if
there's sufficient interest in continued I2P support in Tahoe-LAFS.  If that
turns out to be the case, it certainly should have more than one maintainer.


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