1.16.0 release-candidate in a plain py3 environment with system-wide installs

jg71 jg71 at p8d.org
Sun Sep 5 16:19:00 UTC 2021

* jg71 <jg71 at p8d.org> wrote:

> let's collect all the issues you might have come across taking the
> -rc0 for a test drive.

on Slackware64-current (all installs are system-wide):

root at slack150:~/sbo# python3 -V
Python 3.9.7

"python3 setup.py install --root=$PKG" of txsocksx- gives

error in txsocksx setup command: 'install_requires' must be a string or list of strings containing valid project/version requirement specifiers; 'int' object is not iterable

removing in setup.py the following lines fixes it
    packages=['txsocksx', 'txsocksx.test'],

root at slack150:~/sbo# tahoe --version-and-path   (or   tahoe -V )  gives
Support for Python 3 is an incomplete work-in-progress. Use at your own risk.

root at slack150:~/sbo# python3 -c "import pkg_resources;print ([d.project_name+': '+d.version for d in set(pkg_resources.require('tahoe-lafs'))])"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py", line 886, in require
    needed = self.resolve(parse_requirements(requirements))
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py", line 772, in resolve
    raise DistributionNotFound(req, requirers)
pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'argparse>=0.8' distribution was not found and is required by zfec

but argparse is included in that py3 version. again, removing in
zfec's 1.5.5 setup.py the following lines fixes it after rebuilding and
reinstalling zfec
        "argparse >= 0.8",

root at slack150:~/sbo# python3 -c "import pkg_resources;print ([d.project_name+': '+d.version for d in set(pkg_resources.require('tahoe-lafs'))])"


['cryptography: 3.4.8', 'service-identity: 21.1.0', 'Twisted: 21.7.0', 'tahoe-lafs: 1.16.0rc0', 'tqdm: 4.62.2', 'zope.interface: 5.4.0', 'attrs: 21.2.0', 'pyutil: 3.3.0', 'pyOpenSSL: 20.0.1', 'typing-extensions:', 'hkdf: 0.0.3', 'click: 8.0.1', 'txaio: 21.2.1', 'boltons: 21.0.0', 'bcrypt: 3.2.0', 'future: 0.18.2', 'netifaces: 0.11.0', 'six: 1.16.0', 'incremental: 21.3.0', 'Automat: 20.2.0', 'humanize: 0.0.0', 'magic-wormhole: 0.12.0', 'foolscap: 21.7.0', 'appdirs: 1.4.4', 'pyasn1-modules: 0.2.8', 'eliot: 1.13.0', 'pyasn1: 0.4.8', 'pycparser: 2.20', 'setuptools: 57.4.0', 'hyperlink: 21.0.0', 'pyrsistent: 0.18.0', 'distro: 1.5.0', 'PyYAML: 5.3.1', 'txtorcon: 21.1.0', 'idna: 3.2', 'PyNaCl: 1.4.0', 'constantly: 15.1.0', 'spake2: 0.8', 'autobahn: 21.3.1', 'zfec: 1.5.5', 'cffi: 1.14.6']


the dependency cryptography 3.4.8 downloads and compiles a bunch of rust
foo. that issue will have to be addressed by the buildscript of
cryptography because it's a no-go at slackbuilds.org (the maintainer
is already happy about it, narf)

 Downloading crates ...
  Downloaded proc-macro-hack v0.5.19
  Downloaded inventory v0.1.10
  Downloaded pyo3-macros-backend v0.13.2
  Downloaded proc-macro2 v1.0.24
  Downloaded smallvec v1.6.1
  Downloaded scopeguard v1.1.0
  Downloaded unindent v0.1.7
  Downloaded redox_syscall v0.2.4
  Downloaded indoc v0.3.6
  Downloaded ghost v0.1.2
  Downloaded bitflags v1.2.1
  Downloaded inventory-impl v0.1.10
  Downloaded parking_lot v0.11.1
  Downloaded lock_api v0.4.2
  Downloaded indoc-impl v0.3.6
  Downloaded pyo3-macros v0.13.2
  Downloaded parking_lot_core v0.8.3
  Downloaded paste v0.1.18
  Downloaded syn v1.0.60
  Downloaded unicode-xid v0.2.1
  Downloaded instant v0.1.9
  Downloaded quote v1.0.9
  Downloaded pyo3 v0.13.2
  Downloaded libc v0.2.85
  Downloaded paste-impl v0.1.18
  Downloaded winapi v0.3.9
  Downloaded ctor v0.1.19
  Downloaded cfg-if v1.0.0
  Downloaded winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu v0.4.0
  Downloaded winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu v0.4.0

creating a node works

tahoe at slack150:~$ tahoe --node-directory ~/.tahoe create-node --hostname=

adapting the config and adding the already-running introducer via
deprecated introducer.furl works too

tahoe at slack150:~$ tahoe --node-directory=~/.tahoe run
Support for Python 3 is an incomplete work-in-progress. Use at your own risk.
'tahoe run' in '/home/tahoe/.tahoe'
running node in '/home/tahoe/.tahoe'
2021-09-05T16:01:22+0200 [twisted.scripts._twistd_unix.UnixAppLogger#info] twistd 21.7.0 (/usr/bin/python3 3.9.7) starting up.
2021-09-05T16:01:22+0200 [twisted.scripts._twistd_unix.UnixAppLogger#info] reactor class: twisted.internet.epollreactor.EPollReactor.
2021-09-05T16:01:24+0200 [-] Foolscap logging initialized
2021-09-05T16:01:24+0200 [-] Note to developers: twistd.log does not receive very much.
2021-09-05T16:01:24+0200 [-] Use 'flogtool tail -c NODEDIR/private/logport.furl' instead
2021-09-05T16:01:24+0200 [-] and read docs/logging.rst
2021-09-05T16:01:27+0200 [-] Unable to write to plugin cache /usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/plugins/dropin.cache: error number 13
2021-09-05T16:01:27+0200 [-] TahoeLAFSSite starting on 3456
2021-09-05T16:01:27+0200 [allmydata.webish.TahoeLAFSSite#info] Starting factory <allmydata.webish.TahoeLAFSSite object at 0x7fb8d95e8100>
2021-09-05T16:01:27+0200 [-] My pid: 20630
2021-09-05T16:01:27+0200 [-] Listener starting on 50811
2021-09-05T16:01:27+0200 [foolscap.pb.Listener#info] Starting factory <Listener at 0x7fb8da195460 on CleanupEndpoint(_wrapped=<twisted.internet.endpoints.AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint object at 0x7fb8d9713b80>, _fd=10, _listened=True) with tub df7vvmafsmubqcyhxsx74ypy2g3paskp>
2021-09-05T16:01:27+0200 [-] Listener starting on 34241
2021-09-05T16:01:27+0200 [foolscap.pb.Listener#info] Starting factory <Listener at 0x7fb8d9ae48b0 on <twisted.internet.endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint object at 0x7fb8d9ae4520> with tub it2af2vxlymrgu2hshsrqimgyancmxmm>
2021-09-05T16:01:27+0200 [-] Listener starting on 44899
2021-09-05T16:01:27+0200 [foolscap.pb.Listener#info] Starting factory <Listener at 0x7fb8d9ae4eb0 on CleanupEndpoint(_wrapped=<twisted.internet.endpoints.AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint object at 0x7fb8d9ae42b0>, _fd=9, _listened=True) with tub pxi67rzb7wh2a5ybk7q7dhygkcprzob6>
2021-09-05T16:01:27+0200 [-] client running
2021-09-05T16:01:27+0200 [-] Unable to write to plugin cache /usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/plugins/dropin.cache: error number 13
2021-09-05T16:01:27+0200 [-] Unable to write to plugin cache /usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/plugins/dropin.cache: error number 13
2021-09-05T16:01:27+0200 [-] Unable to write to plugin cache /usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/plugins/dropin.cache: error number 13

that plugin cache write error does not cause any problems so far

tahoe at slack150:~$ tahoe --node-directory=~/.tahoe create-alias kernelfoo:
Support for Python 3 is an incomplete work-in-progress. Use at your own risk.
Alias 'kernelfoo' created

tahoe at slack150:~$ for i in /tmp/*.txt ; do tahoe --node-directory=~/.tahoe cp $i kernelfoo: ; done
Support for Python 3 is an incomplete work-in-progress. Use at your own risk.
Success: files copied

tahoe at slack150:~$ tahoe --node-directory=~/.tahoe manifest kernelfoo:
Support for Python 3 is an incomplete work-in-progress. Use at your own risk.
URI:CHK:5sbeyd4...:2:2:10903 build-Automat.txt

tahoe at slack150:~$ tahoe --node-directory=~/.tahoe check kernelfoo:
Support for Python 3 is an incomplete work-in-progress. Use at your own risk.
Summary: Healthy
 storage index: vgsnykjhkybah76xltstj6bu6i
 good-shares: 2 (encoding is 2-of-2)
 wrong-shares: 0
tahoe at slack150:~$ tahoe --node-directory=~/.tahoe deep-check kernelfoo:
Support for Python 3 is an incomplete work-in-progress. Use at your own risk.
done: 47 objects checked, 47 healthy, 0 unhealthy



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